Privacy Policy / Site PolicyPrivacy Policy / Site Policy




















2. 個人情報の利用目的


個人情報の利用目的 利用する個人情報
①サービスの提供・保守、アフターサービスの提供、ご利用料金等の計算・請求等、その他関連する業務実施のため 下記(2)①~⑥に記載の個人情報
②当社・当社グループ会社及び提携事業者(個人情報の第三者提供先及び共同利用者を含む)の商品・サービス・キャンペーン・イベント等(宣伝・広告を含む)のご案内、及びサービス・キャンペーン等に付帯する商品・景品等の発送のため 下記(2)①、②、④に記載の個人情報
③ご意見・ご要望・お問い合わせ等への対応のため 下記(2)①~⑥に記載の個人情報
④ご利用状況の分析、お客様満足度向上等の各種施策実施のための分析・検討及び当該施策の効果測定、商品・サービス企画のための情報収集・分析、サービス品質等改善のための情報収集・分析その他各種分析・調査実施のため 下記(2)①~⑥に記載の個人情報
⑤不正契約・不正利用・不払いの発生防止および発生時の調査・対応のため 下記(2)①~⑥に記載の個人情報


①氏名・住所・生年月日等の情報 氏名
運転免許証、パスポート等の本人確認書類に記載された情報 等
②ご契約内容、ご利用料金等に関する情報 ご契約タイプ種別、契約締結年月日等のご契約内容に関する情報
ご請求金額・お支払状況等のご利用料金に関する情報 等
③お支払方法等の情報 お支払方法、クレジットカード番号、ICカード情報 等
④お申込みいただいたサービス内容に関する情報 各サービスのご利用履歴
アンケート調査・モニター調査等に関する情報 等
⑥位置情報 サービスを利用されるお客様がご利用された自転車の走行経路情報 等





①第三者提供する個人情報 上記(2)①、②、④、⑤、⑥に記載の個人情報
②第三者提供先 当社の利用規約に掲載の保険会社
③第三者提供の利用目的 サービスの提供に際して発生した事故等に対する各種補償サービスの提供等のため



3. 共同利用

上記2. (2) ①~⑥に記載の個人情報










本サイトでは、よりよいサービスの提供を目的として、Google Analyticsを用いて本サイトへのアクセス情報を収集しています。このため、一部のページにおいて Google Analyticsから提供されるCookieを使用しています。なお、この情報が、2(2)に規定する個人情報と関連づけられる事はありません。
また、本サイトを経由してGoogle Analyticsにより収集されたデータはGoogle社のプライバシーポリシーに基づいて管理されており、弊社はGoogle Analyticsのサービス利用による一切の損害について責任を負わないものとします。
Google AnalyticsによるCookieの使用に関する説明およびCookieにより収集される情報について詳しくお知りになりたい方は、Google Analyticsのサービス利用規約およびプライバシーポリシーをご確認ください。




株式会社ドコモ・バイクシェア 個人情報問い合わせ窓口

株式会社ドコモ・バイクシェア 個人情報問い合わせ窓口


代表取締役社長 武岡 雅則




当ウェブサイトのご利用は、お客様ご自身の責任において行われるものとします。当ウェブサイト上に掲載されている各種情報については、慎重に作成、管理しておりますが、当社は、これらの情報の正確性、有用性、完全性等を保証するものではありません。 当社は、お客様がこれらの情報をご利用になったこと、またはご利用になれなかったことにより生じたいかなる損害についても責任を負いません。





















OS ブラウザ
Windows® 10以降 Firefox 最新版
Safari 最新版
Google Chrome 最新版
Microsoft Edge 最新版
macOS 12 以降 Safari 最新版
iOS 16 以降 Mobile Safari
Android 9.0 以降 標準ブラウザ





第1条 利用者情報の取得と利用目的


利用する利用者情報 利用者情報の利用目的 取得方法
①ユーザーID、パスワード、名字、名前、メールアドレス、マイエリア、クレジットカード情報、 お問い合わせ内容等 お客様が本アプリに入力した情報 (ⅰ)「ドコモコミュニティサイクルサービス」の提供・保守、アフターサービスの提供、ご利用料金等の計算・請求等、その他関連する業務実施のため
②スマートフォンの位置情報 近隣の駐輪ポートを検索し本アプリに表示するため アプリケーションによる自動取得
③本アプリの起動時に通知される端末種別、OS、端末固有ID 本サービス提供の際にお客様を識別するため アプリケーションによる自動取得
④本アプリの利用履歴(サービス利用情報、利用日時) 上記①(ⅳ)に定める目的のため アプリケーションによる自動取得



第2条 情報収集モジュールによる取得

情報収集モジュール名:Firebase向けGoogle Analytics
情報収集モジュール提供者: Google LLCおよびその完全子会社
情報収集モジュール提供者による利用者情報の利用:利用者情報はGoogleの管理するサーバシステムに格納されます。なお、Googleは当該利用者情報を、Googleが定める利用目的の範囲で利用します。 Firebase向けGoogle Analyticsの詳細及びGoogleが定める利用目的は

第3条 利用者情報の第三者提供


第4条 利用者情報の共同利用


第5条 利用者情報の取得・蓄積・利用に関する同意

お客様は本アプリケーションをインストールする際に、本アプリケーション・プライバシーポリシーの内容を確認し、同意を付与する機会が与えられます。本アプリケーションおよび本サービスは本アプリケーション・プライバシーポリシーをご確認いただき、内容を理解したうえでご利用ください。また、本アプリケーション・プライバシーポリシーは本アプリの「その他>アプリについて プライバシーポリシー」画面に公開いたします。

第6条 利用者情報の取得停止等

本アプリケーションでは、利用者情報の取得、利用を停止する手段を提供しておりません。これらを停止したい場合には、本アプリケーションをアンインストールしてください。 なお、アンインストール時点で既に取得済みの利用者情報については、当社は、第1条に定める範囲で引き続き利用することがあります。

第7条 利用者情報の取り扱いに関する問い合わせ窓口


■窓口名称: 株式会社ドコモ・バイクシェア 個人情報問い合わせ窓口

第8条 本アプリケーション・プライバシーポリシーの変更



(English)Privacy Policy Regarding Your Personal Information

docomo bike share, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes the importance of personal information in the operation of its business, and considers the thorough protection of such information to be its greatest responsibility. In addition, we will handle not only personal information but also information related to customers of corporations and other organizations in the same manner as personal information in an appropriate manner.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

In order to realize the protection of personal information, we comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines of various ministries and agencies, and other related laws and regulations.

2. Handling of Personal Information

With respect to the handling of personal information, we will establish a management system for the protection of personal information that is appropriate to the actual conditions of our business, and handle such information appropriately and carefully in accordance with internal rules and regulations.

(1)Obtaining Personal Information
When acquiring personal information, we will clearly state the purpose of use and use legal and fair means to acquire the information, such as on the Web or other screens, in writing (e.g., application forms), or orally. In addition, personal information may be acquired from service providers or joint users, or may be acquired in connection with the succession of business due to merger or other reasons. When answering the phone with a customer, we may record the call in order to accurately grasp the contents of the order, opinion, request, or inquiry, and to improve our services in the future.

(2)Use and provision of personal information
We will strictly manage personal information and use and provide personal information only within the scope of the purposes for which we have obtained the consent of the person concerned, except when required by law. In the event that personal information is to be provided to a third party, the scope of such third party will be specified and clearly indicated.

3.Measures for Safety Control

To ensure the accuracy and security of personal information, we will take reasonable measures against risks such as unauthorized access to personal information and leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.

4.Supervision of Employees and Contractors

(1)We will provide our employees with the necessary education and training to ensure the implementation of safety control measures and other appropriate handling of personal information.

(2)We may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information in the course of sales and reception of various products and services, after-sales service, fee-related operations, marketing and other operations. In such cases, we will select a company that is deemed to handle personal information properly, and will properly stipulate in the consignment contract security control measures, confidentiality, conditions for re-consignment, and other matters related to the handling of personal information, and conduct necessary and appropriate supervision.

5.Continuous Improvement of the Management System (Compliance Program) for Personal Information Protection

We will continuously review and improve our management system (compliance program) for the protection of personal information in order to maintain it in the best possible condition.

Handling of Personal Information

1.Proper handling of personal information

(1)In providing our cycle sharing service (including other services provided by us in connection therewith, hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), we will acquire personal information by legal and fair means and take necessary and appropriate measures for the prevention of leakage, loss, or damage and for other security management. We will acquire information handled as personal information in the provision of our cycle sharing services (including other services provided by us in connection therewith, hereinafter referred to as the "Services") through legal and fair means, and will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage, and to otherwise manage the information safely.

2. Purpose of use of personal information

(1)In providing services, etc., we will handle the personal information described in (2) below to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of use.
Even after a service contract with a customer is terminated, we may still use personal information within the scope of the purposes of use described above.

Purpose of use of personal information Personal information to be used
①To provide and maintain services, provide after-sales services, calculate and bill usage fees, and perform other related tasks. Personal information as described in (2) ①-⑥ below
②To provide information on products, services, campaigns, events, etc. (including advertisements and promotions) of the Company, its group companies, and affiliated businesses (including third parties and joint users of personal information), and to send products and prizes incidental to services and campaigns, etc. Personal information as described in (2) ①②④ below
③To respond to opinions, requests, and inquiries Personal information as described in (2) ①-⑥ below
④To analyze and review usage conditions, to analyze and review the implementation of various measures to improve customer satisfaction and to measure the effectiveness of such measures, to collect and analyze information for product and service planning, to collect and analyze information to improve service quality, etc., and to conduct various other analyses and surveys Personal information as described in (2) ①-⑥ below
⑤To prevent unauthorized contracting, unauthorized use, and nonpayment, and to investigate and respond to such occurrences Personal information as described in (2) ①-⑥ below

(2)We use the following personal information for the purposes described in (1) above.

①Name, address, date of birth and other information Name
Date of Birth
Phone number
Information on identification documents such as driver's license, passport, etc.
②Information related to contract details, usage fees, etc. Information regarding the contents of the contract, such as the type of contract, date of conclusion of the contract, etc.
Information related to usage fees, such as billing amounts and payment status
③Payment method and other information Payment method, credit card number, IC card information, etc.
④Information related to the services you have requested Usage history for each service
Information, etc. related to questionnaire surveys, monitoring surveys, etc.
⑤Other information obtained incidental to the provision of various services, such as application reception history, contents of opinions, requests, inquiries, etc.
⑥location information Information on bicycle routes used by customers who use the service

(3)Personal information handled by us in the course of performing work entrusted to us by other businesses will be handled only to the extent necessary for the performance of such work.

(4)We may handle personal information for purposes other than the purpose of use, while giving the utmost consideration to the rights and interests of the person in question, if we recognize that any of the following items applies.

①When required by law
②When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
③When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned.
④When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.

(5)We may provide the following information for the purpose of providing various compensation services for accidents, etc. that occur in the provision of our services.

①Personal information provided to third parties Personal information as described in (2) ①②④⑤⑥ below
②Third party providers first Insurance companies listed in our Terms and Conditions
③Purpose of use for provision to a third party To provide various compensation services for accidents, etc. that occur in the provision of services

(6)Notwithstanding the provisions of (1) through (5) above, we may provide personal information to a third party, while giving the utmost consideration to the rights and interests of the individual, if we recognize that any of the following cases applies

①When consent has been obtained from the individual.
②When required by law.
③When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
④When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned.
⑤When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.

3. Shared use

(1)Personal Information Subject to Shared Use
Personal information as described above 2 (2) ①-⑥

(2)Scope of Shared Users
・Co-operators of the service (including partner operators who are the main providers of cycle sharing services)
・Parent company of the Company (NTT DOCOMO, INC.)

(3)Purpose of Shared Use
Provision of services (including, but not limited to, membership registration and management, bicycle rental and return, call center support, and other related services), to provide after-sales service and perform other related tasks

(4)Name of the person responsible for the management of the above personal information
docomo bike share Inc.

4.Disclosure and correction of personal information

(1)Inquiries regarding the contract status of each service, and inquiries regarding correction of personal information will be accepted at the administrative office of each service. Please note that we will only accept inquiries if the person making the inquiry is the customer himself/herself, and if the inquiry is made by a representative (a legal representative or a representative authorized by the customer; the same applies below). In the case of an inquiry by a representative (a legal representative or a representative authorized by the customer; the same shall apply hereinafter), we will confirm that the representative is an appropriate representative.

(2)When we receive a request from a customer (or a proxy) for disclosure of personal information about the customer, we will respond to the request without delay at each service operation office.

(3)When we receive a request from a customer (or a proxy) to correct, etc. (correct, add, delete, or stop using or stop providing to a third party) personal information about the customer, we will investigate without delay. In this case, if the personal information is found to be untrue or the handling of the personal information is found to be inappropriate, we will make the correction without delay. (Requests for correction, etc. should be made to the administrative office of each service.) Please note that even in the event of a request for correction, etc., the Company may not correct all or part of the personal information pertaining to such request in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, etc.

(4)When we receive a request from the person (or his/her representative) to correct personal information about the person, we will respond to the request without delay at each service operation office.

5.Collection and Use of Access Logs

This website uses Google Analytics to collect information on access to this website for the purpose of providing better service. For this purpose, cookies provided by Google Analytics are used on some pages. Please note that this information is not associated with any personal information as stipulated in 2 (2).
The data collected by Google Analytics via this website is managed in accordance with Google's privacy policy, and we shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of Google Analytics services.
To learn more about Google Analytics' use of cookies and the information collected by cookies, please review Google Analytics' Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

6.Consultation regarding handling of personal information

If you have any opinions or requests regarding our handling of personal information, please contact the following consultation desk.

Personal Information Inquiry Desk

Contact us by mail
Toranomon 3-8-8, Minato-ku, Tokyo
NTT Toranomon Building 6F
docomo bike share Inc. Personal Information Inquiry Desk

Contact us by e-mail
docomo bike share Inc. Personal Information Inquiry Desk

April 1, 2022

docomo bike share Inc.
CEO Masanori Takeoka
Toranomon 3-8-8, Minato-ku, Tokyo
NTT Toranomon Building

(English)Site Policy

Thank you for visiting the docomo Bikeshare corporate website (hereinafter referred to as "this website").
This website is managed and operated by docomo Bikeshare Inc. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before browsing and using this website. Please note that the information below is subject to change without notice.


Use of this website is at your own risk. Although the Company carefully prepares and manages the various information posted on this website, the Company does not guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, completeness, etc. of this information. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use or inability to use this information.

The Company may change all or part of the information posted on this website without notice. We may also suspend or terminate the operation of this website.

The Company shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of information obtained from third party websites linked to this website or from third party websites that have links to this website.

Please be aware that you may not be able to use this website properly due to your telecommunications environment, computer environment, or other reasons.

Copyrights and Trademarks

The copyrights to the works (documents, photographs, illustrations, animations, sounds, software, etc.) on this website are owned by the Company or third parties and are protected by copyright laws and other laws and treaties. Except for reproduction for personal use, quotation, or other use permitted by copyright law, no work may be reproduced, adapted, or publicly transmitted without the permission of the copyright holder.

The names of our products and services appearing on this website are our trademarks or registered trademarks.

Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction

This website is under the control of the Company. Although this website may be accessed from countries around the world with differing laws, both visitors to this website and the Company agree to be bound by the laws of Japan and the ordinances of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government with respect to the use of this website.

The Company makes no statement or indication on this website as to whether the contents of this website are appropriate for the environment of the person accessing this website. Access to this website is at the discretion of the person accessing this website, and the person accessing this website assumes all responsibility for the use of this website.

Unless otherwise specified, the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over all disputes related to the use of this website.

Links to this Website

Links to this website, whether commercial or non-commercial, are in principle free and do not require prior notification to the Company. However, please refrain from setting up links that fall under any of the following or may fall under any of the following.

Links from websites that include content that defames or slanders the Company or its products, services, etc., or damages the Company's credibility

Links from websites that contain content offensive to public order and morals and social ethics

Links from websites that contain content offensive to public order and morals and social ethics

Links that make it unclear that the information is from this website, such as frame links and image links (please set up links in such a way that the entire browser screen changes to this website or a separate screen opens to display this website).

Links that mislead the reader into believing that there is some kind of partnership or cooperative relationship with the Company, or that the Company recognizes or supports the linking website.

Even if none of the above applies to you, we may ask you to change the way you set up the link or delete the link. Please note that the URL of this website is subject to change or deletion without prior notice.

Recommended Environment

For safer and more comfortable use of this website, we recommend using the following OS and browsers.

OS web browser
Windows® 10 or later Firefox latest version
Safari latest version
Google Chrome latest version
Microsoft Edge latest version
macOS 12 or later Safari latest version
iOS 15.0 or later Mobile Safari
Android 9.0or later Standard Browser

About JavaScript

This website uses JavaScript to make it more convenient to use. If JavaScript is disabled in your browser settings, the website may not function or display properly.

(English)Application Privacy Policy

docomo bike share, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") provides the "Bike Share Service" (hereinafter referred to as the "Application"), an application for smartphones provided by the Company. We ask you to provide us with your user information through our smartphone application "Bike Share Service" (hereinafter referred to as the "Application") so that we can smoothly provide you with the services related to the Application (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). The Company has established the Application Privacy Policy and strives to protect user information in order to ensure the smooth provision of services related to the Application (hereinafter referred to as the "Service").

Article 1: Acquisition and Purpose of Use of User Information

(1)The user information ("User Information") that we obtain in the Application is as follows. We obtain User Information automatically via the Application or by having you register it manually.

User information to be used Purpose of use of user information
①User ID, password, first name, last name, email address, My Area, credit card information, contact information, etc. Information entered into this application by the customer (ⅰ)To provide and maintain "docomo Community Cycle Service," to provide after-sales service, to calculate and bill usage fees, and to perform other related tasks
(ⅱ)To provide information on products, services, campaigns, events, etc. (including advertisements and promotions) of the Company, its group companies, and affiliated businesses (including third parties and joint users of personal information), and to send products and prizes incidental to services and campaigns, etc.
(ⅲ)To respond to opinions, requests, inquiries, etc.
(ⅳ)Analysis and examination of usage conditions and implementation of various measures to improve customer satisfaction, etc., and measurement of the effectiveness of such measures, to collect and analyze information for product and service planning, to collect and analyze information for improvement of service quality, etc., and to conduct various other analyses and surveys
(ⅴ)To prevent unauthorized contracting, unauthorized use, and nonpayment, and to investigate and respond to such occurrences
②Smartphone location information To search for nearby bicycle parking ports and display them in this application
③Device type, OS, and unique device ID notified when this application is launched To identify customers when providing this service
④Usage history of this application (service usage information, date and time of use) For the purposes set forth in ① (iv) above

(2)The purposes of use of User Information for the Application and the Service are set forth above. If otherwise provided for in the "Privacy Policy Regarding Your Personal Information," "Terms and Conditions of docomo Community Cycle Service" or other agreements between you and docomo, DOCOMO may use the User Information within the scope of the purposes of use described therein.

(3)We may use your personal information that we have properly obtained outside of this Application for the purpose of providing this Application and the Services. In addition, we may combine User Information with such Personal Information and use it within the scope of the purposes of use described above.

Article 2 : Acquisition by the Information Collection Module

We obtain the user information described in the preceding article through the following information collection module embedded in this application. An information collection module is a program provided by a third party that has functions for acquiring and analyzing user information.
Information Collection Module Name: Google Analytics for Firebase
Information Collection Module Provider: Google LLC and its wholly owned subsidiaries
User information to be obtained: access history to each content
Use of User Information by Information Collection Module Providers: User information is stored on server systems managed by Google.Google will use such user information within the scope of the purposes of use determined by Google. For more information on Google Analytics for Firebase and the purposes of use determined by Google, please click here.
Means of opting out: You may opt out of having your information collected by the information collection module in the following ways
Turn off "Account> Send Data> Send Usage Data Anonymously, Send Crash Data Anonymously"

Article 3 : Provision of User Information to Third Parties

User information will not be transmitted or provided to third parties, except in the following cases.
①When sending the credit card information entered by the customer in this application to GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.
②When sending the credit card information entered by the customer in this application to GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.
③When we have explicitly obtained your permission in the "Privacy Policy Concerning Your Personal Information" or in other contracts with us.
④When the provision of personal information to a third party is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law without the consent of the individual, such as provision in accordance with laws and regulations or provision to a subcontractor in connection with subcontracted operations

Article 4 : Joint Use of User Information

User information of customers who have agreed to the "Privacy Policy Regarding Your Personal Information" may be shared in accordance with the said policy.

Article 5 : Consent for Acquisition, Storage, and Use of User Information

You will be given the opportunity to review and grant your consent to the contents of this Application Privacy Policy when you install this Application. Please use the Application and the Service only after you have read and understood the Application Privacy Policy. In addition, this Application Privacy Policy will be published on the "Other> About Application Privacy Policy" screen of this Application.

Article 6 : Suspension of Acquisition of User Information, etc.

This application does not provide a means to stop the acquisition and use of user information. If you wish to stop these, please uninstall this application. Please note that we may continue to use the user information that has already been acquired at the time of uninstallation to the extent stipulated in Article 1.

Article 7 : Contact for Inquiries Concerning Handling of User Information

If you have any comments or requests regarding the handling of user information in this application or service, please contact us at the address below.

Contact: docomo bike share Inc. Personal Information Inquiry Desk
How to Contact Us

Article 8 : Changes to this Application Privacy Policy

We may change this Application Privacy Policy as we upgrade the version of this application. Please refer to the Application Privacy Policy accompanying the new version of the application for details of the changes.
